Past events
Using Customer Data and Insights to Create Remarkable Marketing
Presenting Virtually: Dos and Don’ts
Amsterdam Fintech Week (XFW) – EWPN Panel: How Fintechs Design for Women
Amsterdam Fintech Week (XFW) – Panel: Society’s Perspective Ethics, Sustainability & Financial Crime
EWPN / EPCA Panel Discussion – Buy Now Pay Later: from e-commerce niche to trading norm – Opportunities and Threats
Amsterdam Fintech Week (XFW) – Panel: Behind the Scenes Enablers, Tech & Capital Markets
TOWN HALL: Harnessing Power of Public-Private Collaborations to Fight Modern Slavery
Fintech Futures Dock Digital: Digital Identity & Verification
Fintech Futures Dock Digital: Cybersecurity
Fintech Futures Presents Dock Digital: Virtual Roundtable Experience (2 days)
Young Leaders Program – Launch Event
Female Finance in Figures – Financial Services for Women
Walk the Talk: Driving Gender Equality
FinovateEurope 2021 – EWPN Panel: The value of Open Finance in driving financial inclusion
FinovateEurope 2021: March 23-25
Global Female Leaders 2021
EWPN Ireland Meetup – Panel Discussion: Optimising the Payments Funnel Post-COVID
Leadership and Influence
Webinar EWPN & PPI France – Les promesses de l’Open Banking
From surviving to thriving! How Corona accelerates new business models
20 January 2021
- 11:00
You’re Absolutely Worth It: Shifting from Self-Doubt to Undeniable Confidence
Open Banking Expo Digifest
WEBINAR: How to attract diverse talent: insights and best practices
EWPN Webinar – Spirituality: The New Corporate Trend?
EWPN Webinar – How to Keep Bias Out of Payments – A Fireside Chat with Jane Butler
Undoing 50 years of progress: The impact of Covid-19 on gender equality
5 November 2020
Zidi Circle Diaspora Entrepreneurship Bootcamp 2020
29 September 2020
POSTPONED UNTIL 2021: EWPN Annual Conference and Awards Dinner 2020
EWPN Germany webinar: Delegated Authentication to Improve the Checkout Experience
14 September 2020
FinovateFall Digital
Roshem Regeneration Summit
13 September 2020
- 17:00
Covid-19 : quels impacts sur la filière paiement?
8 September 2020
The Female Perspective – Leading Through a Crisis
Venture Summit Virtual Connect | Global
4 August 2020
How does leadership have to change as we come out of the pandemic?
23 July 2020
Women’s Network in Electronic Transactions (Wnet) – PayTechWomenLive
21 July 2020
FinovateAsia Digital
6 July 2020
EWPN Belgium launch
Bird & Bird LLP Brussels, Avenue Louise 235, 1050 Bruxelles, Belgium
18 June 2020
EWPN Webinar: Guilt, Perfectionism and Finding Right for you
21 May 2020
The Banking Scene – What is the value of trust in today’s banking and payments world?
EWPN Webinar: Crisis Proofing your mind and your life: how to manage stress and anxiety
7 May 2020
Venture Summit [Digital Edition] Online
5 May 2020
EWPN Webinar: Monsters Under the Bed: Recognising stress in all its forms
23 April 2020
What’s new from the old continent? A view of the European payments landscape, including the impact of COVID-19
21 April 2020
EWPN Sweden launch
Women in Identity UK Meet-up
Merchant Payments Ecosystem (MPE 2020)
Intercontinental Berlin, Budapester Strasse 2, 10785 Berlin, Germany
18 February 2020
EWPN Local Meetup UK
EWPN Meetup at Finovate Europe 2020
Intercontinental Berlin, Budapester Strasse 2, 10785 Berlin, Germany
12 February 2020
Finovate Europe 2020
Intercontinental Berlin, Budapester Strasse 2, 10785 Berlin, Germany
11 February 2020
Sthlm Fintech Week 2020
Mujeres en Fintech
EWPN Local Meetup France – Evolutions RH dans les entités financières
Paris FinTech Forum
Palais Brongniart, former French Stock Market exchange, in the very center of Paris
28 January 2020
- 19:00
EWPN Local Meetup Munich
Payworks Headquarters, Dingolfinger Str. 15, 81673 Munich, Germany
8 January 2020
EWPN Local Meetup Germany
EWPN Local Meetup Ireland
EWPN Local Meetup UK – Summer Party
EWPN Local Meetup Denmark
EWPN Annual Event
Women of the Square Mile
European Payment Summit (EPS) 2019
EWPN Local Meetup Turkey
Spark Women 2019
University of Amsterdam (CREA), Nieuwe Achtergracht 170
26 March 2019
- 17:00
Plug-In Payments Conference 2019
Wirecard AG, Einsteinring 35, 85609 Aschheim, Munich, Germany
11 March 2019
- 17:00
EWPN local meetup Malta
Castille Casa Leone, Triq L-Imhazen, 1200 Il-Furjana, Malta
8 March 2019
- 20:30
International Women’s Day 2019 – EWPN Netherlands
Dutch Payments Association - Betaalvereniging Nederlan Gustav Mahlerplein 33-35, 1082 MS Amsterdam, Netherlands
8 March 2019
- 17:30
EWPN local meetup Spain
Instituto de Impresa, Calle de Maria de Molina 2, Aula, F-001, 28006, Madrid
5 March 2019
EWPN Local Meetup Hungary
MPE 2019 (Merchant Payments Ecosystem) conference & exhibition
EWPN Local Meetup France
Hôtel Bedford Paris 17 Rue de l'Arcade 75008 Paris France
12 February 2019
- 13:00
EWPN Local Meetup Portugal
Av. da Liberdade 182, 182 Avenida da Liberdade, 1250-146 Lisboa, Portugal
6 February 2019
- 13:00
EWPN Annual Event 2018
Money Conf
Money 2020
EWPN & Holland FinTech Meet Up
VI Cashless Congress
European Payments Summit
14 March 2018
- 17:00
CPI’s 8th Annual Europe Summit
6 March 2018
- 17:00